Episode 100: The Journey to Constitutional Reform
The Constitution of Kenya (2010) was promulgated almost nine years ago, on 27th August 2010. This was after it was presented to the Attorney General on 7th April 2010, officially published on 6th May 2010, subjected to a referendum on 4th August 2010, and approved by 68.55% of the people who participated in the referendum.
We’re joined by Atsango Chesoni, former Deputy Chairperson of the Committee of Experts on Constitutional Review, to discuss how this constitution has changed Kenya almost nine years later.
The Constitution of Kenya (2010) [Web Version]
The Constitution of Kenya (2010) [PDF Version]
The Repealed Constitution [first passed in 1969]
1962 Lancaster House Conference
About the Committee of Experts Process
Constitutional Transitions and Territorial Cleavages: The Kenyan Case
Kenya: 36 reasons why we needed a new constitution
All you need to know about independent commissions, offices
The Rationale for the Existence of Independent Constitutional Commissions
It is the politics, stupid: (Not) Kenya Style
Prof. Yash Pal Ghai’s Submission to the Building Bridges Initiative Task Force Committee
Ethnicity and the Kenyan System of Governance
Why we cannot change the Constitution without violating it
Episode 80: The Two-Thirds Gender Principle
Episode 70: Financing the Kenyan Government
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