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Author: Brenda Wambui

Episode 65: The Oil in Turkana

Episode 65: The Oil in Turkana

The Lake Turkana basin is an over 70,000-square-kilometer region that is home to Lake Turkana, East Africa’s most saline lake, and the largest desert lake in the world. The area is home to pastoral communities like the Turkana, Samburu, El Molo, Rendille, Gabra and Dassanach. It is also a breeding … READ MORE

Episode 62: Tax Justice in Kenya

Episode 62: Tax Justice in Kenya

This week, we explore tax justice, which looks at the intersection between taxation, inequality and human rights. Why do we pay taxes? We have a social contract with the state. We give up some freedoms to it, and in return we receive security, healthcare, education, infrastructure and other services that … READ MORE